–What a joy it was to hear you and Rory perform for us – and so willingly again. It was such a privilege for us all.I have received many compliments about the two of you!I think you are an amazing couple and such an asset to us all!–Love Greets x (Rosehaven Fundraiser)
–Hello Cherry Pill. We would be honoured if you will join us again at the Vegan Market Sunday 25th June. People absolutely loved you at the 28th May market. -Thanks Benita (Vegan Market)
Cherry Pill have been as busy as squirrels this May!
Some other highlights this month have included performing for the University of Pretoria’s Lunch hours concert series. It was a lovely opportunity to really grow as musicians. The lunch hour platform is a concert setting where we presented a 40 minute show of our Si Tu Savais material, highlighting some of our more virtuosic pieces.
Another show event we played for this month was the Rosehaven/67 Blankets Fundraiser event at City Life Church in Lonehill. We have a new song soon to be released, titled ‘Warm Within’ that perfectly fitted the theme of this event. The knitwits-for-the needy ladies tirelessly knit squares and blankets for the 67 Blankets charity. The above photo was taken at the Rosehaven event, many thanks to the team working behind the scenes on this event.
Other performances included a breakfast event for the Mediclinic group and the Vegan Market at Pirates Sports Club. We met up with some great poetry guys and had a bounty of delicious food options to choose lunch from.
Some upcoming shows for June include:
3 June-17:27 Boxes Market 10h00-12h00. Melville
18 June-17: In the Forest Father’s Day Market 10-16h00. Raptors and Owl rescue animals will be making an appearance.
More June shows in the pipeline….